Tugas Obrolan Bahasa Inggris

Piedro (Tourist 1)
Boas (Local)

Piedro                                    : “Excuse me?”
Boas                                        : “Yes, what would you like to ask?.”
Piedro                  : “I want to go Situ Buleud can you tell me where is                                                        that?”
Boas (In mind)        :  He’s a tourist he doesn’t know this place.
Boas                                        : “Oh… It’s on Veteran Street.”
Piedro                                    : “Where’s Veteran Street, is it far?”
Boas                                        : “It isn’t far. Just continue straight, turn left and                                                         you’ll find .”
Piedro                                    : “Ok, thank you sir.”
Boas                                        : “You’re welcome.”

Michella (Tourist 2)
Boas (Local)
Michella                               : “Ummmm? Hello sir,can I ask you something?”
Boas                                       : “Yes, what do you want to ask me.”
Michella                               : “I am a tourist here and I don’t know the way to                                                                places.”
Boas                                       : “ Ooohh. I get questions from tourists all the time.”
Michella                               : “Oh. Good then.”
Boas (In mind)                    : Hah.. It’s my lucky day.
Michella                               : “I want to go to a department store.”
Boas                                       : “The closest department store here is Yogya                                                                                     Department Store.”
Michella                               : ”Oh can you show me the way?”
Boas                                       : (Laughing evilly)
Michella                               : (Confused)
Boas                                       : “From here, you turn right and you will definitely                                                              meet the Taman Pahlawan Street. And in the are of                                                           Taman Pahlawan Street there is Yogya Department                                                             Store.”
Michella                               : Oh…. Thank you.”
Boas                                       : “Your welcome.”

Felis (Tourist 3)
Felis                                       : “Hello sir..”
Boas                                       : “Hello. Can I help you?”
Felis                                       : “Yes sir. I want to go to KFC restaurant, but I don’t no                                                       where KFC restaurant is. Can you help me?”
Boas                                       : “Sure.”
Felis                                       : “Can you show me the way, sir?
Boas (In mind)        : “I wanna to lie again.”
Boas                                       : “From here, you turn right and you will definitely                                                                          meet the Sadang Street. After there, you turn left                                                              from Sadang Street. In there is KFC restaurant.
Felis                                       : “Thank you so much sir.”
Boas                                       : “Your welcome.”

Piedro          : “Excuse me, are you the on before?”
Boas                                        : “Hm yes. Aren’t you a tourist asking for the road to Situ Buleud?”
Piedro          : “Yes, it’s true. Sir, it looks like the road you told me seems wrong. Because I still haven’t arrived at Situ Buleud.”
Boas                                        : “Really? I am so sorry.”
Piedro          : It’s baiklah sir.”
Boas                                        : “Thanks.”

Michella                               : “Hm sir, didn’t you tell me the road to Yogya                                                                                  Departement Store?
Boas                                        : “Right!”
Michella                                : “Do you lie to me? The kasus is I ask other people,                                                      the way is wrong.”
Boas                                        : “Hm.. I am so sorry.”
Michella                                : “Hm I forgive you.”
Boas                                        : “Thank you so much.”
Michella                               : “Ya.”


Felis                                       : “Excuse me sir, can you help me??”
Boas (In mind)   : “Isn’t she a tourist who asks the way?”
Felis                                       : “Wait, didn’t you tell the road to the road to KFC                                                                Restaurant, right?”
Boas                                       : “Ehm yes.”
Felis                                       : “You lie to me, sir. Until I get lost. Luckly someone                                                              helped me. So, because of your mistake, I have to                                                              call police.”
Boas                                       : “Please. I am sorry.”


Police : “I’m a police officer coming to arrest local who has lied to tourist.”
Felis                                       : “Him, sir!”
Police          : “You were arrested for lying to a tourist.”
Boas                                       : “I am so so sorry.”