Soal Ulangan Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Sd

I. Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d
1.              Koni father passed away two days ago.
a.       Thank you                 b. oh, I am sorry to hear that       c. nice to see you                      d. good luck
2.              I’m sick now
a.         Congratulation           b. good luck                              c. get well soon             d. nice to see you
3.              Willy        : I’ have graduate from elementer school.
Mith        : ………
a.       Thanks                      b. no problem                            c. I forgive you              d. congratulation
4.              A : How are you?
B : ……….
a.       I’m fine                      b. good morning                         c. That’s OK                  d. Get well soon
5.              Rp. 100.000     it is …….
a.       One thousand rupiah                                       c. one hundred thousand rupiah
b.       one hundred rupiah                                         d. one hundred and ten rupiah
6.              20 : 10 = ……….
a.       Twelve                      b. twenty                                   c. two                           d. two hundred
7.              7 x 4 = ……..
a.       Eighty two                 b. twenty eight                           c. eighty                        d. two hundred
8.              What is thirty divided ten? It is ………
a.       Thirteen                     b. three hundred             c. thirty                         d. three
9.              My grand mother ……away yesterday.
a.       Good             b. passed                                              c. do                             d. same
10.          I’m sorry to trouble you.
a.       Thanks                      b. good luck                              c. nevermind                 d. fine thanks
11.          A giraffe is tall
A cat is …….
a.       Fat                            b. short                                     c. long                          d. big   
12.          An elephant is big.
An ant is …….
a.       Long                          b. tall                                        c. heavy                        d. small
13.          A butterfly is safe
A tiger is …..
a.       Cheap                       b. old                                        c. easy                         d. dangerous
14.          My grandmother is old
My brother is …..
a.       Tall                           b. young                                    c. safe                          d. dangerous
15.          My sister is ….. than my mother
a.       Older                         b. safer                                     c. younger                     d. bigger

16.          A horse is …..than donkey
a.       Slower                       b. more dangerous                     c. faster                        d. older
17.          A sofa is …….than a chair.
a.       Lighter                       b. heaver                                   c. safer                         d. faster
18.          Is it fast ?
a.       No, it is not slow                                c. no, it is not
b.       No, is it                                             d. no, it does
19.          I like a …..of pizza.
a.       Plate                         b. bag                                       c. pan                           d. bowl

II. Fill the blanks with correct answer !

1.              How … the spaghetti?
2.              I like ….. of noodles
3.              15 : 3 is ……
4.              Two hundred plus three is …..
5.              Rp. 1500,00         it is ………….
6.              I buy a ……. of toothpaste.
7.              I have ………..rupiah Rp. 3.000,00
8.              The math is …….. than Indonesian (susah)
9.              The gold is ……… than silver (mahal)
10.          A lion is ………than a duck (                )
11.          What is ten times three ? it is ………
12.           200 – 50 = 150
Write in English …………
13.          Gold is …………than silver
14.          A : my mother is sick
B : …………
15.          A : what is in English 2020?
B : …………

III. Scramble the words to make good sentences !
  1. than  -  longer  -  snake  -  warm  -  is   -   a   -   a
  2. is  -   gold   -  more   -  than  -  silver   -   expensive
  3. much  -  cream  -  is  -  the   -   how   -   ice  ?
  4. buy  -  I  -   a   -  like  -  to   -   soap   -   bar
  5. like  -  I   -    noodles   -   a    -    bowl
